Turning Point Therapeutics Presents TRIDENT-1 Study Clinical Data for Repotrectinib in NTRK+ Advanced Solid Tumors in Plenary Session at 2021 AACR-NCI-EORTC Conference

- In the?NTRK-positive TKI-na?ve advanced solid tumor population (EXP-5: n=17), the confirmed Objective Response Rate (cORR) was 41% (95% CI: 18-67). At the time of the data cutoff, three patients with limited time on treatment achieved stable disease with tumor regression of -21%, -23%, and -27% on their first post-baseline scans, and were awaiting their next scans. Duration of response ranged from 1.9+ to 7.4+ months, and the duration of treatment in the 17 patients ranged from 0.9 to 30.7+ months.
- In the?NTRK-positive TKI-pretreated advanced solid tumor population (EXP-6: n=23), the cORR was 48% (95% CI: 27-69). As of the cutoff date, three patients had unconfirmed partial responses (uPRs). Two uPRs have been confirmed since the cutoff date and are included in the cORR; the third patient with a uPR was on treatment awaiting a confirmatory scan and is not considered a responder in the cORR. The 48% cORR is an update since the pre-recorded presentation. Duration of response ranged from 0.9+ to 15.1 months, and the duration of treatment in the 23 patients ranged from 0.6 to 20.8 months.
- Of the 23?NTRK-positive TKI-pretreated advanced solid tumor patients, 13 (57%) had NTRK solvent front mutations. In these 13 patients, the cORR was 62% (95% CI: 32-86) including one patient who had a complete response. As of the cutoff date, three patients had unconfirmed partial responses (uPRs). Two uPRs have been confirmed since the cutoff date and are included in the cORR; the third patient with a uPR was on treatment awaiting a confirmatory scan and is not considered a responder in the cORR. The 62% cORR is an update since the pre-recorded presentation. Duration of response ranged from 0.9+ to 13.7 months.
- Repotrectinib was generally well tolerated.
- The most frequently reported treatment-emergent adverse event (TEAE) was low-grade dizziness (60%) of which 76% of reported cases were grade 1. Eleven patients (4%) reported ataxia in the absence of dizziness. No events of dizziness or ataxia led to treatment discontinuation.
- Dose modifications due to TEAEs included 27% of patients who had dose reduction and 11% who had drug discontinuation.