ACAMP Working with University of Alberta has Developed a Washable Cloth Based Filter and Plastic Respirator With Over 95% Filtration Efficiency
PPE A95 Canadian respirator to help prevent the spread of COVID-19
EDMONTON, Alberta ? Imagine protecting every Albertan with a high-quality respirator. With guidance from researchers at the University of Alberta, ACAMP, an Alberta non-profit organization helping companies develop high-tech products has designed and built an effective, reusable respirator to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The respirator?s filters can be washed and are reusable. Their effectiveness was tested against N95-rated respirators by a team at Engineering at Alberta led by Distinguished Professor Warren Finlay, an internationally respected expert in the science of aerosol mechanics. Their findings rate the ACAMP A95 filters at the same level of filtration efficiency as commercially available N95 filters.
ACAMP CEO Ken Brizel had the idea to produce enough masks for every person in Alberta four weeks ago, after being shocked to see many unprotected people shopping for groceries. Brizel has been working with local businesses and the University of Alberta to design and manufacture the respirators.
The body of the respirators is made of polyurethane or polypropylene, comes in an adult size only at this time, and provides an effective seal around the nose and mouth. The respirators filter two ways, protecting the wearer from inhaling the virus, and preventing wearers from exhaling it.
The respirators are available online now at? go into production this week.
This work was supported by Mitacs through the Mitacs Accelerate Program, under the special COVID-19 call for proposals.
ACAMP CEO Ken Brizel and Engineering at Alberta researcher Warren Finlay are available for interviews.
Founded in Alberta, Canada in 2007, ACAMP is a unique industry-led advanced technology product development centre that entrepreneurs count on to move their innovation from proof-of-concept to manufactured product by providing access to multidisciplinary engineers, technology experts, unique specialized equipment, and industry acumen. ACAMP focuses on electronics hardware, firmware, software (ML/AI), sensors, and embedded systems. ACAMP is the only advanced technology product development group in Canada that provides a full range of support at each stage of the product development process. Offices in Edmonton and Calgary, ACAMP offers support to companies worldwide. For more information, please visit
For Interviews Contact:
Ken Brizel
cell: 780-966-4535
Warren Finlay
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