GSK Presents Results of Daprodustat in P-III ASCEND Program for the Treatment of Anemia due to Chronic Kidney Disease at ASN Kidney Week 2021
- The P-III ASCEND program includes 5 studies i.e ASCEND-ND, D, ID, NHQ & TD studies evaluating efficacy & safety of daprodustat vs ESA in ~8,000 patients with anemia due to CKD for ~ 4.26yrs.
- The ASCEND-ND & D studies met its 1EPs i.e., the therapy was improved or maintained Hg within the target range. The prespecified primary safety analysis of the ITT population showed similar rates of MACE & achieved non-inferiority without increased CV risk compared to ESA
- Additionally, the results also showed an improvement in Hb levels in non-dialysis patients & QoL in the ASCEND-NHQ trial compared to PBO & maintain Hb levels in high-risk incident dialysis population in the ASCEND-ID trial
Ref: GSK | Image: GSK
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