Ionis Initiates P-III CORE Study of Olezarsen for the Treatment of Severe Hypertriglyceridemia
- The company initiates second P-III CORE study to evaluate olezarsen vs PBO in patients with severe hypertriglyceridemia who are on the currently available SoC therapies for elevated triglycerides
- The 1EPs of the study is the percent change in fasting triglycerides from baseline @6mos. The 2EPs include percent change from baseline in triglycerides @12mos. & in other atherogenic lipids @6 & 12mos. & the proportion of patients who achieve fasting triglycerides =500/880/1000 mg/dL
- In P-II clinical study, olezarsen met its 1EPs & 2EPs i.e., reductions in triglyceride & apoC-III levels, favorable safety & tolerability profile, 91% of patients achieved a normal triglyceride level of <150 mg/dL
| Ref: PR Newswire | Image: Wikipedia
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