Sanifit Presents Results of SNF472 for the Treatment of Vascular Calcification at ASN Kidney Week 2020
- The additional insight from the P-IIb CaLIPSO study showed that SNF472 slowed the progression of CAC across key subgroups of patients on hemodialysis participating in the study. The presentation highlights the PK/PD and exposure-response analyses
- Sanifit also presents the design of its ongoing P-III CALCIPHYX study evaluating the efficacy and safety of SNF472 for the treatment of patients with calciphylaxis (calcific uremic arteriolopathy- or CUA). Additional data demonstrated that SNF472 strongly inhibits valvular calcification in an in vitro model of porcine aortic valve
- SNF472 is an inhibitor of vascular calcification currently in P-III study- acts by targeting the deposition of solid calcium (hydroxyapatite- HAP) in the CV system. The company is showcasing new data on SNF472 in four presentations including one oral session and three ePoster sessions at virtual ASN Kidney Week 2020
Ref: Sanifit | Image: European Biotechnology
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This content piece was prepared by our former Senior Editor. She had expertise in life science research and was an avid reader. For any query reach out to us at connect@pharmashots.com