Roche's Ab Cocktail (Casirivimab and Imdevimab) Receives EUA to Treat COVID-19 in India
- The CDSCO has granted a EUA for Roche’s casirivimab and imdevimab to treat COVID-19 in India. The approval of the Ab cocktail was based on the data that has been filed for the EUA in the US and the CHMP’s opinion in the EU
- Roche will import the globally manufactured product batches to India and is collaborated with Cipla for pan-India distribution. At a global level- Roche and Regeneron are collaborating to jointly address the increasing demand
- Earlier- Roche has reported the global P-III trial of Abs vs PBO in 4-567 high-risk non-hospitalized COVID-19 patients and showed a 70% reduction in the risk of hospitalization or death and also shortened the duration of symptoms @4days
Ref: Cipla | Image: Roche
Click here to read the full press release

This content piece was prepared by our former Senior Editor. She had expertise in life science research and was an avid reader. For any query reach out to us at connect@pharmashots.com