Laurent Receives Health Canada's Approval to Initiate P-II RESOLUTION Study Evaluating LAU-7b for COVID-19
- The company plans to initiate a P-II RESOLUTION study assessing LAU-7b in multiple hospitals in Canada and will enroll ~200 hospitalized COVID-19 patients for a treatment duration of 14 days and is expected to initiate the enrollment soon
- The focus of the study is to evaluate LAU-7b’s dual pro-resolving inflammation and antiviral activity against COVID-19. The company anticipates that the treatment has the potential to reduce the severity of the disease and to prevent its progression towards ARDS
- The RESOLUTION study follows the recommendations of WHO Master Protocol for COVID-19 clinical studies and will measure the patient’s health status on a 7-point ordinal scale as primary outcomes. The secondary outcomes include disease progression- duration of hospitalization and QoL
Click here to read full press release/ article | Ref: Laurent | Image: Laurent
This content piece was prepared by our former Senior Editor. She had expertise in life science research and was an avid reader. For any query reach out to us at