UroGen Presents P-III (OLYMPUS) Trial Results of Jelmyto (mitomycin) for the Treatment of Low-Grade Upper Tract Urothelial Cancer at SUO 2022
- The P-III (OLYMPUS) trial evaluating the safety, tolerability & tumor ablative effect of Jelmyto in 71 patients with LG-UTUC at clinical sites across the US & Israel. Patients were eligible to participate in the rollover study after the completion of the (OLYMPUS) study
- At the data cut off Feb 2022, 16 out of 23 patients remained in CR at the end of the study, and m-DoR was 28.9mos. (14.6 - 47.6mos.), 13 remained in CR, 2 had a recurrence of LG-UTUC & 1 underwent RNU due to ureteral stricture without evidence of UTUC at the time of surgery & no patient had progressed to high-grade disease was reported
- 58% reported ureteric stenosis with 17% experiencing a grade 3 event. Jelmyto is the non-surgical, chemoablative treatment for the same indication
Ref: Businesswire | Image: UroGen
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