CSL Vifor’s Tavneos (avacopan) Receives NICE Recommendation for the Treatment of Anca-Associated Vasculitis (GPA/MPA)
- NICE has recommended Tavneos for sev., active granulomatosis polyangiitis (GPA) or microscopic polyangiitis (MPA) in combination with a rituximab or cyclophosphamide regimen in England, Wales & Northern Ireland
- The recommendation was based on P-III (ADVOCATE) trial to evaluate Tavneos (30mg, BID) vs prednisolone in 331 patients with ANCA-associated vasculitis (GPA/MPA) across 20 countries. Tavneos is expected to be available in the UK in the next week
- The study met its 1EPs of disease remission @26wk., sustained remission @26 & 52wk. & not using glucocorticoids within 4wks. before 52wk. The therapy also showed non-inferiority in terms of remission @26wks., and superiority in sustained remission @52wks., SAEs (37.3% vs 39%)
Ref: Businesswire | Image: CSL Vifor

Neha is a Senior Editor at PharmaShots. She is passionate and very enthusiastic about recent updates and developments in the life sciences and pharma industry. She covers Biopharma, MedTech, and Digital health segments along with different reports at PharmaShots. She can be contacted at connect@pharmashots.com.