Gilead Reports the Initiation of Two P-III Studies of Remdesivir to Treat COVID-19
- The studies will evaluate 5-day and a 10-day dosing regimen of remdesivir (IV). One study will assess remdesivir + SOC in ~400 patients in a ratio (1:1) with sev. clinical manifestations of COVID-19 while the second study will assess remdesivir vs SOC as monothx. in ~600 patients in a ratio (1:1:1) with mod. clinical manifestations of the disease
- The initiation follows the US FDA rapid review & acceptance of Gilead’s IND filing for remdesivir to treat COVID-19. The studies will expand the ongoing research of the therapy which include clinical trials in China’s Hubei province and the US
- Remdesivir is an investigational nucleotide analog with broad-spectrum antiviral activity both in vitro/ vivo in animal models against viral pathogens including Ebola- Marburg- MERS and SARS
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Ref: Gilead | Image:Gilead

This content piece was prepared by our former Senior Editor. She had expertise in life science research and was an avid reader. For any query reach out to us at connect@pharmashots.com